About the Table Sock

The Story of how the Table Sock Came to Be

Carolyn Groves: Owner, Designer

My invention of the Table Sock began on one of our camping and fishing adventures in which we constantly utilize the provided picnic table for three continuous days. One windy adventure, I was challenged to make a table covering that would not blow off in the wind after the little metal clamps kept popping off the edge of the table along with everything tipping over and falling off.

For my first prototype, I found some “laminated cotton” for a deeply discounted price at a local store. The first prototype had the “cut out” corners and a series of grommets laced with cording. For me, grommets were faster to apply than buttonholes. We were pleasantly surprised that this table covering functioned well during out next windy camping trip, and we knew we had a great idea! My husband, Aaron, named these “Table Sock” on one of these early camping trips.

Back at home, I could not find that same laminated cotton anywhere, and I looked for a substitute in many fabric stores and online. My next prototypes were made with purchased tablecloths that were larger than I needed so I could cut them down to size and remake them. My fabric search continued for more than a year. I also experimented with different ways of tucking in the strings and opted for a simple patch pocket. I purposely do not tie the ends of the strings together. That way they do not form a continuous loop should someone forget to tuck them into the pockets. Aaron also challenged me to design and make bench covers, so I applied the same principles to them.

My sewing space required me to crawl on the floor to cut out the table and bench coverings, and I purchased tools from the hardware store like a carpenter’s square and heavy metal 48” straight edge. I needed help of a manufacturer. There I discovered there were details on my prototypes that would not work for production. They did not like my grommets, and instead preferred buttonholes! And they wanted a simpler way to finish the corners. My next items were labels, and I couldn’t design labels without a logo! I am forever grateful to the talent and staff of my team businesses: American Made Apparel Mfg, Inc. and Big Iron Graphics.

My biggest challenge was to make production easier and less expensive without losing a quality product. Plus, we determined Table Sock will be American Made! Finally, it all came together when my research and determination led me to finding the current fabric and notions to build this fabulous product that has quality, functionality, and longevity in mind. I hope that you enjoy your Table Sock set as much as we do for many years to come.

Developing the Table Sock

1: Clamps Need Solution

When we decided the solution had to be washable after this one always smelling of smoke after camping trips

2: First Table Sock, with the ill fitting corners

3: Second Table Sock, made from laminated cotton

4: Third Table Sock

The corner "notch" was born

5: Fourth Table Sock

6: Fifth Table Sock

The corner notch became smaller but it was still a 90 degree turn

7: Table Sock Grommets

8: First Bench Covers

9: Hanging Pocket

10: Styles Corners

Corner notches were now rounded

11: Sixth Table Sock

12: Patch Pocket

13: My sewing room where I worked on Table Socks

Using a leaf blower to test a prototype