Custom Orders

Fit Odd Sized Tables

By Carolyn Groves - December 20, 2023

If you have a table that is odd sized, I can make a custom Table Sock Set for you! I need your table dimensions, width and length. I can make a single table cloth covering, and/or I can make the bench coverings. I have the same blue, green, or gray fabric available as the picnic table coverings, or Table Sock sets are made from. The picnic table coverings can go on wood, concrete, aluminum, or expanded metal tables. They are great for picnics, family gatherings, reunions, camping, fishing, hiking or simply time outdoors. I also have available additional bags available. One type is a drawstring bag great for packing picnic supplies like paper plates, silverware, and cups, or anything that needs to be contained to stay organized and clean. My other style bag is a "shopper" bag that duplicates a grocery store permanent bag, only these are washable and have a durable plastic insert, so they can be loaded heavy! Even though it is winter, plan for a glorious outing in just a few months, or maybe you live in a warm climate already! Whatever your climate or location, Table Sock is ready for your next outdoor adventure!
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